Thoughtful gifts for curious people

Things to Make and Do (In a Cost of Living Crisis)


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Are you struggling to pay the bills and keep your children entertained in a cost of living crisis? Dung Beetle provide an answer, with a book that can keep you happily and rewardingly occupied for many hours, using simple inexpensive and readily available materials. We present a set of 20 thought provoking toys that can be made from objects around the house. Cardboard boxes, matchsticks, toilet rolls etc. are all magically transformed into a plethora of exciting toys. From a social-media bubble to a home-made toy bedsit, there’s plenty to keep you and your family occupied. Written by Miriam Elia. Full colour illustrations by Miriam Elia and Becky Philp.

  • Not a children's book!
  • Measures 11.6 x 17.7cm
  • 48 page hardback